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Global Legal Solutions For Business

We are relentless to enable our client’s peaceful business development


Construction and Real Estate

Construction and real estate law is one of our primary fields of specialization. Through our years of experience, we now offer our clients various legal services of high quality

Employment Solutions

Our firm offers you full and comprehensive service of Labor Audit to bring employment relations in line with the legislation, best international standards, and HR practices

Corporate Reform

For any of your corporate needs, our legal can offer you reliable and comprehensive assistance as our experience in this field has been honed since 2007

Business Transactions

The complex nature of business transactions requires a legal assistance of a similar variety. Our law firm knows what is necessary to protect your interests

Insolvency Proceedings

Insolvency proceedings in Georgia are quite intricate, especially after the adoption of a new law. The members of our team have been practicing this field of law for years

Arbitration and Mediation

As practicing attorneys, we take pride in our experience and subsequent achievements reached through representing our clients in various alternative dispute resolutions

IT, Crypto & Communications

Providing legal assistance to the Industries of informational technologies, has become one the most popular and sough after parts of GLCC Law Firm’s practice


Attention to detail, years of experience, and integrity of our attorneys is one of the main reasons behind countless successful cases of our clients in the court of law

Reform Solutions

We consult the companies that work in various fields of public sector reforms, such as improving business and investment climate, public services, and anti-corruption


სამუშაო დროის 40 საათამდე შემცირებასთან დაკავშირებით ბიზნესი კანონმდებლობის დახვეწვას ითხოვს

ბიზნესი სამუშაო დროის 40 საათამდე შემცირებასთან დაკავშირებით კანონმდებლობის დახვეწას ითხოვს. კომპანიები ამბობენ, რომ სპეციფიკური სამუშაო რეჟიმის მქონე დარგების ჩამონათვალის შემცირებამ [...]

August 2nd, 2023|

გაჭიანურებული სამართლებრივი დავები და გავლენა საინვესტიციო გარემოზე

გაჭიანურებული სასამართლო დავები წლებია საქართველოში ერთ-ერთია იმ გამოწვევებიდან, რომელსაც ინვესტორები ასახელებენ. ამ მიმართულებით არსებული პრობლემები ინვესტორებისთვის არც თუ ისე კარგი [...]

August 2nd, 2023|

Our Team

“What I value about our relationship is that, GLCC lawyers selected and offered the most effective problem-solving services tailored to company’s interests. Separately must be mentioned the method of regular reporting that allows us to see in a unified context the status of ongoing tasks, actions taken and estimated deadlines. We believe that we have a highly qualified and solid partner law firm.”
Malkhaz Klibadze - Financial Director

Where We Work

Tbilisi, Georgia

58 Sulkhan Tsintsadze str.,0160, Tbilisi, Georgia

GLCC Law Firm

Kyiv, Ukraine

2A Henerala Shapovala st., 03035, Kyiv, Ukraine

GLCC Law Firm

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